Neutrino Research

New Physics Building Gainesville, FL 32611

Latest Results

Latest Results

Current Status of Experiments


  • *still* in the construction phase due to severe setbacks from COVID shut-downs and delays in procurement.


  • collected a dataset that ended in Dec 21, 2021; we’re actively involved in analyzing that data.
  • There have been 3 publications submitted to journals this past year (Apr – Mar), some based on preliminary data taking in 2020.


  • DUNE has seen delays in construction and design of the near detector. DUNE is primarily publishing papers on simulation and hardware characterization.

MINERvA (finishing involvement)

  • MINERvA completed data taking awhile ago and we’re down to the dregs of students who are finishing theses; this analysis is no longer supported by the funding agencies for new students.
  • Our remaining grad student is still working on analysis and it is not at the stage where we would be producing a publication on their thesis analysis.

MiniBooNE (past involvement)

  • Dr. Ray was previously on the MiniBooNE experiment for over a decade including graduating a student on MiniBooNE data while prof at UF. MiniBooNE is still putting out updated oscillation results and as such she is listed as author for those papers.

COHERENT and JSNS (past involvement)

  • Dr. Ray is still listed as author on the COHERENT experiment at the SNS (Oak Ridge) due to past contributions to the neutrino beam simulation led by my group.